Friday, March 12, 2010

Home game for Humba-Harnik

Dusseldorf --
"That would be a very horny thing, if I could meet again in St. Pauli. The most important thing is that we - win no matter who makes the huts, "says Martin Harnik before" Kracher in the neighborhood. " "I grew up in Hamburg, as coming from a small provincial club. Pauli and HSV were always the enemy for us, we wanted to beat. "
Why, of course, the Düsseldorfer scorers absolutely nothing changes, if takes up the daring climbers Fortuna Friday (18 clock) at the table at a top match of the Fourth World League.
Martin spent his entire youth in the Hamburger East, where the world is still intact, "returns with his new club the first time back to a Bundesliga match in his home.
"I have really organized enough problems, enough tickets," groans Harnik. "My parents are here, my two brothers and their families, and of course all my old friends. I have 14 tickets now. But I hope that I can still grab a few cards from my teammates. The euphoria is from Dusseldorf to me swashed home, which of course all the pressing Fortuna me luck. "
Home game for Humba-Harnik! For the appearance at the Waterkant has made a lot of 22-year-old: "Until now it has gone almost perfectly for us, yes, finally we are promoted. We have a lot of confidence and try to win every game. Very happy to cool at St. Pauli, "said the goalscorer victory against Karlsruher SC.
The special atmosphere at Millerntor has done it to the strikers: "There totally crazy people, which is spread a completely peaceful mood, from very young to old all are here. Even from the Reeperbahn. It does not match the stereotype of the football fan. Paul is the cult as such, comes up only in Germany, Dusseldorf. "
Incidentally, where he experienced his previous career highlight: Begin to Fortuna, who was my best decision! "