Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Only Lumpi-injury pain

Bitburg - Nine days knallhartes training camp is over, Fortune's team has laid the foundations for the comeback season in the second division. Before departure, coach Norbert Meier moved Bitburg his personal balance sheet.
"It was a good work, the seats were excellent. But is it always so in Bitburg, I'm been here many times, "said the coach.
Despite the high burden was his team without any major injuries like this, only the injury of captain Lumpi Lambertz (which he closed, however, not in training, but the test match at SG Glü, hurt. Meier: "He is now doing rehab, we have to wait how long it lasts. Lintjens But compared with Sven, he's still got off lightly. "The Wuppertal tore at the training ground next to the cruciate ligament and will be out for six months. On the edge of the coach, incidentally mentioned another fact that is already clear was: Lambertz figurehead remains in captain this season, his deputy remains Jens Langeneke. "There is no reason. to change something," said Meier.
Somewhat surprisingly there come the prospects for Stephan Straub on a contract. The 38-year-old had been taken in the event that choice goalkeeper Michael Melka longer would fail. This is obviously not the case, however, Meier has taken a liking to a pledge by the former Aacheners "separated by time, finances, he is human absolutely clean guy who has got sporty back tension. It could act as buffer between milking and serve Ratajczak, between which there is indeed a sporting competition. It would suit me well in the stuff, if he might remain. "
What becomes of the test players Kuzo and Audi decides to end the week. Ahanfouf and Aydilek rather have bad cards.
Read also: Adrenaline-Alert! Fortuna totally hot> riots in Fortune's 5-1 victory> Fortuna alert: Lumpi again Broken>

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Obama "gives" Merkel Opel plants

Washington / Rüsselsheim - The first hurdle for the rescue of the ailing car maker Opel is taken.
The U.S. parent company, General Motors opened the way for the elimination of European operations. The works, patents and access to technologies have been transferred to the debt, Adam Opel GmbH.
Behind the "gift" for the coalition of Chancellor Angela Merkel, the feverish search for a solution to the survival of Opel, puts the government of President Obama - the main creditors of GM.
The Opel Supervisory Board also approved the trust-to-model that is to the company for a transitional period with a bridge financing gain air.
Opel € 1.5 billion in the short term needs. For the sum of the federal government and the four provinces with Opel works - including NRW will underwrite - with guarantees. In addition there was a meeting yesterday evening with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin. Opel is the trust model, with its 25,000 employees in Germany from the possible insolvency of GM and are kept out ready for a new investor.
Four investors are currently willing to enter to at Opel - Fiat, the auto supplier Magna, the U.S. investment fund Ripplewood, which are given little chance, and the Chinese carmaker BAIC who wants to hand his approach.
The decision on who gets the contract, can last for many more. Fiat and Magna had rectified in terms of jobs, said NRW Minister Ruettgers just before the summit meeting in Berlin. "They will have to see if that was not to be better."
The room is still a possible bankruptcy for the failure of all negotiations. The escrow money would be lost, however - the taxpayer would have to pay for it. Meanwhile, the EU Commission on Friday to meet with the Economic and Industry Ministers of the affected EU appealed-a States.
And GM is firmly pressed up a gear. In the future, will the once forged the world's largest automaker to 70 percent belong to the State. So far, the proportion was 50%.
U.S. President Obama would thus in effect a new GM chief. Lashed to the new ownership soon after the anticipated insolvency of Autoschmiede. On Monday an ultimatum from Obama is running out. Until then, the Group has still time to submit a recovery plan.
Key points are an agreement with the unions about a reduction in personnel costs and an agreement with its creditors over a debt waiver. GM is among them, with 27 billion U.S. dollars in debt, and offered in exchange for ten percent of the shares. Few took in the past.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Infidelity? Investigations against Baerbel Dieckmann

Bonn --
Bang for the weekend: The Bonn public prosecutor's investigation, the former Mayor of Bonn Bärbel Dieckmann in connection with the WCCB scandal.
Previously, the prosecution had against two city officials who were members of the Project of the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB), initiated a criminal investigation. Here is Evi Zwiebler, head of the Citizens' Office, and ex-city manager Arno Huebner.
The charges against the investigator Zwiebler and Hubner are no small matter. Opinion of the city: "The prosecution keeps the initial suspicion of infidelity given in very serious cases to the detriment of the Federal City of Bonn for."
At the instigation of the prosecution, the private rooms of Zwiebler and Huebner were searched and seized documents. Stefan and Nils Hiebl Kassebohm, the defenders of the two, but stressed: "Those affected will not be accused of having enriched himself."
Dr. Hiebl to EXPRESS: "Was it a legitimate or illicit business risk? If they had even more need to consider? How they came to ask the Koreans and handed out the equity? These are the questions it. From today's perspective is certainly not everything went perfect. Now we're getting access to the file and find out what the others have testified WCCB manager. "
Huebner and Evi Zwiebler, which is also the Obermöhn Beueler Wiev, had fallen in February this year in the criticism.

Friday, April 9, 2010

One in three apple juice does not taste

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Cologne --
More than nine liters of apple juice last year, the German drank on average - so the most popular fruit juice beverage of the FRG is. But how good are German apple juice really? "Stiftung Warentest" has even cast another glance back exactly.
In the September issue of the magazine "test" the auditors took 28 unfiltered and clear apple juices under the microscope. Results: One in three did not taste good.
Apple juice in the test
Next »
Fuel price: 0.99 Euro
Aroma quality: very good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 1.16 Euro
Aroma quality: very good
Quality rating: good
Penny / Paradiso
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: very good
Quality rating: good
Aldi (South) / rio d'oro
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 1.14
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Aldi (North) / Pure Fruit
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 1.29
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 1.19
Aroma quality: Satisfactory
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Amecke Wild Orchard
Price per Liter: 1.27
Aroma quality: Satisfactory
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Dennree Bio
Price per Liter: 1.19
Aroma quality: Satisfactory
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Price per Liter: 1.34
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Price per Liter: 0.80
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Voelkel Demeter Bio
Price per Liter: 1.79
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Werder Fruit
Price per Liter: 1.03
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: satisfactory
Niehoffs Vaihinger
Price per Liter: 1.44
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: satisfactory
Rabenhorst Organic
Price per Liter: 2.80
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: satisfactory
Lidl / Vitafit
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: satisfactory
Becker's Best
Price per Liter: 1.19
Aroma quality: poor
Quality rating: poor
Vorlo (pet service supplier)
Price per Liter: 1.44
Aroma quality: poor
Quality rating: poor
A total of eight naturally cloudy juices fell in the "aroma quality by". They got the scores "satisfactory" or "poor". Only eleven brands were given the overall rating of "good" - including a surprising number of supposed "cheap brands" from discounters. Von wegen Saftladen ...
More info on www.test.de>

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tortuga - The incredible journey of the sea turtle

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Emmy-winner Nick Stringer has traced with his documentary impressive circulation of sea turtles. They are born on the beach in Florida, from where the baby turtles embark on an arduous and dangerous journey - the route has not changed in more than 200 million years and goes over the Gulf Stream from the North Atlantic and to Africa. A trip that lasts 25 years.
?? movie.label.director??
Nick Stringer
?? movie.label.genre??
?? movie.label.country??
Great Britain, Austria
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
81?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Tortuga - The incredible journey of the sea turtle
It is one of the most amazing animal migrations: Born on a beach in Florida, a sea turtle circled half the globe to return after 25 years as the starting point ... documentary by Nick Stringer. GB / D / A '09, FSK: ab 6 Start: 01.10.09