Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Only Lumpi-injury pain

Bitburg - Nine days knallhartes training camp is over, Fortune's team has laid the foundations for the comeback season in the second division. Before departure, coach Norbert Meier moved Bitburg his personal balance sheet.
"It was a good work, the seats were excellent. But is it always so in Bitburg, I'm been here many times, "said the coach.
Despite the high burden was his team without any major injuries like this, only the injury of captain Lumpi Lambertz (which he closed, however, not in training, but the test match at SG Glü, hurt. Meier: "He is now doing rehab, we have to wait how long it lasts. Lintjens But compared with Sven, he's still got off lightly. "The Wuppertal tore at the training ground next to the cruciate ligament and will be out for six months. On the edge of the coach, incidentally mentioned another fact that is already clear was: Lambertz figurehead remains in captain this season, his deputy remains Jens Langeneke. "There is no reason. to change something," said Meier.
Somewhat surprisingly there come the prospects for Stephan Straub on a contract. The 38-year-old had been taken in the event that choice goalkeeper Michael Melka longer would fail. This is obviously not the case, however, Meier has taken a liking to a pledge by the former Aacheners "separated by time, finances, he is human absolutely clean guy who has got sporty back tension. It could act as buffer between milking and serve Ratajczak, between which there is indeed a sporting competition. It would suit me well in the stuff, if he might remain. "
What becomes of the test players Kuzo and Audi decides to end the week. Ahanfouf and Aydilek rather have bad cards.
Read also: Adrenaline-Alert! Fortuna totally hot> riots in Fortune's 5-1 victory> Fortuna alert: Lumpi again Broken>