Thursday, May 27, 2010


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Before the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Hannah Maynard stands as a prosecutor against a former Yugoslav commanders, the deportation and killing of civilians is blamed. After the suicide of an important witness Hannah travels to Sarajevo, where she is the sister of the witness is an important source of information. But Hannah meets with the approval of the sister as a witness to unexpected resistance.
?? Movie.label.director??
Hans-Christian Schmid
?? Movie.label.actors??
Kerry Fox, Anamaria Marinca, Stephen Dillane
?? Movie.label.genre??
Germany, Denmark
?? Movie.label.year??
?? Movie.label.runtime??
103?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? Movie.label.certification??

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sex offender running for NPD

Völklingen - now expected to far-right NPD have an even bigger image problem than it already has. According to information of the Saarland Radio, the party must lodge with the municipal election in a previously convicted sex offenders on Völklingen as candidates.
On a list of space behind the country's president, Frank Franz, according to SR is a 37-year-old family man, a convicted sex offender in force.
The district court had sentenced the man Saarbrücken in 2001 because of sexual abuse of persons incapable of resistance. He had in April 1999 forced a 16-year-old girl for oral sex.
The court sentenced him to a sentence of six months on probation and 1,000 marks in damages. The verdict is final since February 2002, paid the damages.
From the past of their party members want the party did not know. "We talked beforehand with my comrades in detail. We talked with the aforementioned comrade, who gave us evidence demonstrate that these allegations are unfounded. We have a corresponding record, which contains no entries," said Frank Franz for SR.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Family Drama in Sinsheim - three dead

Sinsheim -
A family drama shakes Sinsheim (Baden Württemberg). In the house of a family were on Friday found three dead bodies.
Initial investigation is the family man (48) first wife (47) and then the son (23) have shot. Then said the 48-year-old to the police before he shot himself. Details were not immediately known.
The Department for capital crimes of the Heidelberg police took over the investigation.
The motive, according to police, unclear. The suspected murder weapon was found at the scene. It was found a suicide note, whose content the speaker was still not available. Whether the man had a gun permit is also yet to be clarified.
Map of StepMap

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Here Merkel sweaty The Fall

Berlin --
Where were you when the Wall fell? The Chancellor certainly has the most important day sweating in the last decades quite a bit. Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. In Ernst-Thalmann-Park swimming pool is being renovated, new windows and a new roof for the indoor pool with 50-meter track, solarium and sauna attached. Precisely where Angela Merkel sat on the 9th November 20 years ago. Like every Thursday, they indulged in an infusion with a friend. The sauna was popular, the bathroom quite modern.
The evening, which changed Germany, shortly after 19 clock: Merkel, a physicist at the Academy of Sciences, former FDJlerin, 35 years old, was watching on TV, the press conference with Günter Schabowski, the Speaker of the SED Politburo seen. She heard the word of freedom to travel. But what exactly was meant by that? Private purposes? Holidays in the West? Or permanent emigration? May still be impossible! And when will it ever be? Merkel called her mother, "Mom, where is the wall, then we go to West Berlin at the Kempinski eat oysters." Then she left her apartment on Schönhauser Allee and went - just in the sauna.
After a Berliner Pilsener against thirst. This was part of Thursday evening, just about this. The pub "the old gas lamp" is only 50 meters from the swimming pool. Angela Merkel and her friend walked into the restaurant, went to the right, right again, into the large bar area. Right at the back left corner, they sat down at the large wooden table, which still stands here.
"Here they learned about it," says Hans-Joachim "Hansi" Hoeller. The 57-year-old CDU regular voters points to a stereo system. "Here, the radio, from which came the news of the fall of the wall." For 19 years he has stood the "gaslight". He got them by the Trust.
15 years he did not know that his pub is a very historic place. But one evening snowed a certain purely Ulf Leisner. Mr. Leisner is from the CDU. He said that his boss would like to pass time, like with her husband and some friends like Annette Schavan, Laurenz Meyer and Michael Glos, the CSU, 120 guests. "Hansi" Höller thought of the hidden camera, but then he understood.
He's on 9 His bed and on this day five years ago, Angela Merkel came just once more into the "gas lamp" to remind themselves from their friends. "A nice gift," says innkeeper "Hansi" today. "You drew the beer, at least half an hour, and she was eight to one. A really nice evening. "An evening like 20 years ago. The wall has fallen. When the news was on the radio, drank their beer, and Angela Merkel went on the road. She saw the Trabi parade, watched as people made pilgrimages to the border crossing at the Bornholm road. She saw the rays and the tears. Angela Merkel was running behind. They passed the junction, past the bewildered border officials who had long since lost control.
She went to Wedding, into the west. 16 years and 13 days later, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thus knippst the future

The International Radio Exhibition in Berlin (31.8.-5.9.) Offers a whole range of exciting new camera. Express provides you with the hottest trends now before already.
The YouTube Camera: The compact camera from Casio Exilim Card EX-S880 has a fever YouTube adjusted and has an extra "YouTube Capture Mode". To ensure the quality of the funny movies are guaranteed super. The video can be filmed by pressing a button on the YouTube format and adapt quickly (on the online portal Upload Photo, 280 euros).
Face: Face recognition is the top trend theme at the show. Digital cameras such as the new Sony Cyber-Shot DSC T200 solves only off automatically when the subject smiles in the picture. For the most beautiful moments in life! If an entire group is in the picture, the camera snaps a photo when the first smiles on the touch screen selected leading character.
This also encourages self-timer gets a whole new charm. No more hectic run back to the group and fall into the picture, the shutter is easily controlled by a pretty smile. (Photo, 400 euros)
Zoom instead of pixels. New compact cameras can pick up very close to the motives. The question is no longer a priority in the future, "Whoever has the most pixels?" But "Who has the biggest zoom?" A pioneer among the giants is the zoom Lumix DMC-FZ18 from Panasonic. It has not only a bombastic 18-fold wide-angle zoom, it can automatically select a scene mode such as landscape or portrait (photo, 480 euros). Thus, they easily compete with expensive SLR cameras.
The camera also supports the 16:9 HDTV format. If one of the photos or videos on a TV with Full HD trying to watch quality, the reproduction is not a problem.
Design: At this point everyone agrees: There are more and more flasks on sale. Just so small and thin as a credit card that fit in really a pocket digicam soon.