Friday, May 21, 2010

Sex offender running for NPD

Völklingen - now expected to far-right NPD have an even bigger image problem than it already has. According to information of the Saarland Radio, the party must lodge with the municipal election in a previously convicted sex offenders on Völklingen as candidates.
On a list of space behind the country's president, Frank Franz, according to SR is a 37-year-old family man, a convicted sex offender in force.
The district court had sentenced the man Saarbrücken in 2001 because of sexual abuse of persons incapable of resistance. He had in April 1999 forced a 16-year-old girl for oral sex.
The court sentenced him to a sentence of six months on probation and 1,000 marks in damages. The verdict is final since February 2002, paid the damages.
From the past of their party members want the party did not know. "We talked beforehand with my comrades in detail. We talked with the aforementioned comrade, who gave us evidence demonstrate that these allegations are unfounded. We have a corresponding record, which contains no entries," said Frank Franz for SR.