Friday, February 5, 2010

Rolfe imagines Labbadia

Leverkusen - The new stadium takes on more shape, the team of Bayer currently not.
Ironically, one could almost think in these days: Bruno Labbadia always equal sees two sites: that of the BayArena and the daily practice on the training ground ...
"The stadium is growing. The team here wants to play internationally in the new season, "said Labbadia when looking towards the stadium," it is our aim. "
But his team in the league from lubricates more and is removed from a European Cup place now has six points.
Lange had the impression hindümpelt that Bayer much to himself and is a flattering. This means the end. Finally Tacheles is announced! It must be in the league soon change something if we are not just rely on the trophy ...
Tuesday morning met with the Labbadia Mannschaftsrat (Adler, Rolfes, Kiessling, Barnetta) to the "crisis meeting". And the club managers analyzed the situation with the coach yesterday.
Labbadias now more frequent meetings with the Mannschaftsrat pursuing a great goal: "It must form hierarchies," said Labbadia, who has also encouraged international goalkeeper Rene Adler, continue to represent his views.
"We need types. René must continue to be able to call the thing by its name without being kleingemacht for it. But he also understood what is meant Rudi Voeller's criticism of him. "Does that mean: Adler and Co. will also cut times on the plaster - but this intern
Already been discussed internally and will also have the coach? Bayer CEO Wolfgang wooden houses had declined after the defeat in Berlin or a declaration of loyalty to Labbadia.
Captain Rolfes arises, however, fully behind the coach: "For us a coach discussion makes no sense at all."
He preferred appeals to the teammates, "This season is not over yet!" And Labbadia believes (in particular by sporting director Rudi Voeller) to feel the full backing: "More can not. Rudi Voeller has made a clear statement. "