Friday, February 26, 2010

Without lies, is nothing in the job

Have you lied today? If they answer this question with "no", you have yourself and your fellow man just served up a big lie! Because we do it every day - sometimes up to 200 times, even and especially in professional life.
We say that's cheating, falsification, cheating, cheating to smear, lie, because it sounds so evil. So the answer is "Fine, thank you" to the question "How are you?" Too loud Allensbach poll, the most common lie on German jobs: 71 percent of Germans did this by bosses or colleagues question to answer with a fib to.
But it is not morally wrong - says Claudia Mayer, a psychologist and author ( "In Praise of lies," List Verlag).
Our daily lives without lies would not work by love to work. Of course, now nobody will feel called upon to herunterzulügen devil come out the blue sky, but sometimes there is a fib to the socially acceptable option to bump his head no and ruin the atmosphere at work. But one must have a sense of when it is important to tell the truth, "says Claudia Mayer.
"Especially if you work in a team, rely on each other's needs, in material respects, announced necessarily the truth. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, lies, however, can be a social lubricant. "In the office, as one must therefore ever lie.
Crystal clear - because when the question of colleagues "You coming to the canteen?" Truthful answers, "No, with you morons, I have not got a goat", roars through the social safety net more quickly than he can say, "Pinocchio". The prudent man claims in such a situation, being on a diet, or says: "I'm sorry, but I have so much build-up and ess 'at work'.
"If the boss asks," How are you? "Want to do it is usually just a conversation with you. How are you really going, he will not listen, "says Claudia Mayer. Therefore, a lie (or swindle) is an answer not so bad, but rather part of a social "game".
The lie - better than its reputation, the Austrian sociologist, Professor Peter Stiegnitz: "lies, without causing harm to someone else, is good for mental health, boosts self-confidence." Brain researchers have discovered that is active in a lie, the brain , the gray cells work faster, "says Claudia Mayer.
The varieties of lying states EXPRESS vertigo lies in the lexicon: You just click the "More Info" box.