Monday, June 14, 2010

Three years jail for sex with a horse

Conway -
Rodell Vereen went on to a horse - and it was not the first time is now Vereen in the U.S. state of South Carolina for his crimes was sentenced to three years imprisonment.
A video released for the man reported, "Huffington Post" on its website. The owner of the 21-year-old horse, Sugar, Barbara Kenley, had noticed a strange behavior of their animal. In addition, the horse had infections and things had changed in the stable. Then she brought a video camera in the barn at her favorite. The Vereen eventually convicted.
Already in 2007 Kenley had discovered the culprit asleep next to her horse, even then Vereen was convicted, but only on probation. In court excused Vereen at Kenley: "I'm sorry for what I did. It's my fault. I'm also sorry for what I have done to myself," he said.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Red like the sky

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At the age of ten years, the small blind Mirco. In a blind school he discovered his talent for listening and tinkering with a sound device and scissors Hörmärchen. But he must fight for his dream to many conservative structures. The film tells the story of the famous sound engineer in Italy, Mirco Mencacci.
?? Movie.label.director??
Cristiano Bortone
?? Movie.label.actors??
Luca Capriotti, Paolo Sassanelli, Francesca Maturanza
?? Movie.label.genre??
?? Movie.label.year??
?? Movie.label.runtime??
96?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? Movie.label.certification??

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Eichberg and Assauer take storming of the pasture!

Bielefeld - The resurrection of the "Sun King is coming". For Günter Eichberg will again intervene in the football business. His goal: Alm!
From next week Eichberg will move his sphere of the peaceful village of Bad Bertrich Eifel, where he served for years as mayor, East Westphalia, where he will continue to work in Verl "a Klinikbau.
"Without football, a Günter Eichberg not live," says the former president of FC Schalke 04 - Arminia Bielefeld and therefore offers his help.
Eichberg, who was from 1989 to 1993 Schalke president and the club in 1991 led to a rebirth in the Bundesliga, brings an even more prominent supporters: "I come in a double tower with Rudi Assauer," says Eichberg. intervene in what capacity could Assauer was still open.
For a task in itself provides Arminia Eichberg predestined: "When I took over Schalke, the club was in last place in the first division. When I'm gone, we were eighth. "
was curious antics on and around the wine spritzer-Treat convinced it countless times - for example, he left the funeral ceremonies for Schalke football legend Ernst Kuzorra repeat completely, because it appeared too late for the funeral.
The owner of several clinics for the treatment of varicose veins pumped millions into the private club. Nevertheless, he left the inglorious departure in 1993 around 20 million euros in debt - what the fans never forgot.
They chased him before the 1997 UEFA Cup final by the Milan city center. In between Eichberg had disposed of for several years after Florida.
 So now instead of Bielefeld Miami. For about two or three weeks Eichberg is in contact with "Arminia-people" to which he would like to offer assistance in further discussions in the economic sector.
Because: "We have now sit two world views in Gütersloh companies. And where I am because of my contacts up in the top leadership. "
And if nobody wants to take his cooperation is utilized, Eichberg, "then I just go home and drink my beer in peace." Wine spritzer, but probably he means.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


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Before the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Hannah Maynard stands as a prosecutor against a former Yugoslav commanders, the deportation and killing of civilians is blamed. After the suicide of an important witness Hannah travels to Sarajevo, where she is the sister of the witness is an important source of information. But Hannah meets with the approval of the sister as a witness to unexpected resistance.
?? Movie.label.director??
Hans-Christian Schmid
?? Movie.label.actors??
Kerry Fox, Anamaria Marinca, Stephen Dillane
?? Movie.label.genre??
Germany, Denmark
?? Movie.label.year??
?? Movie.label.runtime??
103?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? Movie.label.certification??

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sex offender running for NPD

Völklingen - now expected to far-right NPD have an even bigger image problem than it already has. According to information of the Saarland Radio, the party must lodge with the municipal election in a previously convicted sex offenders on Völklingen as candidates.
On a list of space behind the country's president, Frank Franz, according to SR is a 37-year-old family man, a convicted sex offender in force.
The district court had sentenced the man Saarbrücken in 2001 because of sexual abuse of persons incapable of resistance. He had in April 1999 forced a 16-year-old girl for oral sex.
The court sentenced him to a sentence of six months on probation and 1,000 marks in damages. The verdict is final since February 2002, paid the damages.
From the past of their party members want the party did not know. "We talked beforehand with my comrades in detail. We talked with the aforementioned comrade, who gave us evidence demonstrate that these allegations are unfounded. We have a corresponding record, which contains no entries," said Frank Franz for SR.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Family Drama in Sinsheim - three dead

Sinsheim -
A family drama shakes Sinsheim (Baden Württemberg). In the house of a family were on Friday found three dead bodies.
Initial investigation is the family man (48) first wife (47) and then the son (23) have shot. Then said the 48-year-old to the police before he shot himself. Details were not immediately known.
The Department for capital crimes of the Heidelberg police took over the investigation.
The motive, according to police, unclear. The suspected murder weapon was found at the scene. It was found a suicide note, whose content the speaker was still not available. Whether the man had a gun permit is also yet to be clarified.
Map of StepMap

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Here Merkel sweaty The Fall

Berlin --
Where were you when the Wall fell? The Chancellor certainly has the most important day sweating in the last decades quite a bit. Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. In Ernst-Thalmann-Park swimming pool is being renovated, new windows and a new roof for the indoor pool with 50-meter track, solarium and sauna attached. Precisely where Angela Merkel sat on the 9th November 20 years ago. Like every Thursday, they indulged in an infusion with a friend. The sauna was popular, the bathroom quite modern.
The evening, which changed Germany, shortly after 19 clock: Merkel, a physicist at the Academy of Sciences, former FDJlerin, 35 years old, was watching on TV, the press conference with Günter Schabowski, the Speaker of the SED Politburo seen. She heard the word of freedom to travel. But what exactly was meant by that? Private purposes? Holidays in the West? Or permanent emigration? May still be impossible! And when will it ever be? Merkel called her mother, "Mom, where is the wall, then we go to West Berlin at the Kempinski eat oysters." Then she left her apartment on Schönhauser Allee and went - just in the sauna.
After a Berliner Pilsener against thirst. This was part of Thursday evening, just about this. The pub "the old gas lamp" is only 50 meters from the swimming pool. Angela Merkel and her friend walked into the restaurant, went to the right, right again, into the large bar area. Right at the back left corner, they sat down at the large wooden table, which still stands here.
"Here they learned about it," says Hans-Joachim "Hansi" Hoeller. The 57-year-old CDU regular voters points to a stereo system. "Here, the radio, from which came the news of the fall of the wall." For 19 years he has stood the "gaslight". He got them by the Trust.
15 years he did not know that his pub is a very historic place. But one evening snowed a certain purely Ulf Leisner. Mr. Leisner is from the CDU. He said that his boss would like to pass time, like with her husband and some friends like Annette Schavan, Laurenz Meyer and Michael Glos, the CSU, 120 guests. "Hansi" Höller thought of the hidden camera, but then he understood.
He's on 9 His bed and on this day five years ago, Angela Merkel came just once more into the "gas lamp" to remind themselves from their friends. "A nice gift," says innkeeper "Hansi" today. "You drew the beer, at least half an hour, and she was eight to one. A really nice evening. "An evening like 20 years ago. The wall has fallen. When the news was on the radio, drank their beer, and Angela Merkel went on the road. She saw the Trabi parade, watched as people made pilgrimages to the border crossing at the Bornholm road. She saw the rays and the tears. Angela Merkel was running behind. They passed the junction, past the bewildered border officials who had long since lost control.
She went to Wedding, into the west. 16 years and 13 days later, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thus knippst the future

The International Radio Exhibition in Berlin (31.8.-5.9.) Offers a whole range of exciting new camera. Express provides you with the hottest trends now before already.
The YouTube Camera: The compact camera from Casio Exilim Card EX-S880 has a fever YouTube adjusted and has an extra "YouTube Capture Mode". To ensure the quality of the funny movies are guaranteed super. The video can be filmed by pressing a button on the YouTube format and adapt quickly (on the online portal Upload Photo, 280 euros).
Face: Face recognition is the top trend theme at the show. Digital cameras such as the new Sony Cyber-Shot DSC T200 solves only off automatically when the subject smiles in the picture. For the most beautiful moments in life! If an entire group is in the picture, the camera snaps a photo when the first smiles on the touch screen selected leading character.
This also encourages self-timer gets a whole new charm. No more hectic run back to the group and fall into the picture, the shutter is easily controlled by a pretty smile. (Photo, 400 euros)
Zoom instead of pixels. New compact cameras can pick up very close to the motives. The question is no longer a priority in the future, "Whoever has the most pixels?" But "Who has the biggest zoom?" A pioneer among the giants is the zoom Lumix DMC-FZ18 from Panasonic. It has not only a bombastic 18-fold wide-angle zoom, it can automatically select a scene mode such as landscape or portrait (photo, 480 euros). Thus, they easily compete with expensive SLR cameras.
The camera also supports the 16:9 HDTV format. If one of the photos or videos on a TV with Full HD trying to watch quality, the reproduction is not a problem.
Design: At this point everyone agrees: There are more and more flasks on sale. Just so small and thin as a credit card that fit in really a pocket digicam soon.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Only Lumpi-injury pain

Bitburg - Nine days knallhartes training camp is over, Fortune's team has laid the foundations for the comeback season in the second division. Before departure, coach Norbert Meier moved Bitburg his personal balance sheet.
"It was a good work, the seats were excellent. But is it always so in Bitburg, I'm been here many times, "said the coach.
Despite the high burden was his team without any major injuries like this, only the injury of captain Lumpi Lambertz (which he closed, however, not in training, but the test match at SG Glü, hurt. Meier: "He is now doing rehab, we have to wait how long it lasts. Lintjens But compared with Sven, he's still got off lightly. "The Wuppertal tore at the training ground next to the cruciate ligament and will be out for six months. On the edge of the coach, incidentally mentioned another fact that is already clear was: Lambertz figurehead remains in captain this season, his deputy remains Jens Langeneke. "There is no reason. to change something," said Meier.
Somewhat surprisingly there come the prospects for Stephan Straub on a contract. The 38-year-old had been taken in the event that choice goalkeeper Michael Melka longer would fail. This is obviously not the case, however, Meier has taken a liking to a pledge by the former Aacheners "separated by time, finances, he is human absolutely clean guy who has got sporty back tension. It could act as buffer between milking and serve Ratajczak, between which there is indeed a sporting competition. It would suit me well in the stuff, if he might remain. "
What becomes of the test players Kuzo and Audi decides to end the week. Ahanfouf and Aydilek rather have bad cards.
Read also: Adrenaline-Alert! Fortuna totally hot> riots in Fortune's 5-1 victory> Fortuna alert: Lumpi again Broken>

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Obama "gives" Merkel Opel plants

Washington / Rüsselsheim - The first hurdle for the rescue of the ailing car maker Opel is taken.
The U.S. parent company, General Motors opened the way for the elimination of European operations. The works, patents and access to technologies have been transferred to the debt, Adam Opel GmbH.
Behind the "gift" for the coalition of Chancellor Angela Merkel, the feverish search for a solution to the survival of Opel, puts the government of President Obama - the main creditors of GM.
The Opel Supervisory Board also approved the trust-to-model that is to the company for a transitional period with a bridge financing gain air.
Opel € 1.5 billion in the short term needs. For the sum of the federal government and the four provinces with Opel works - including NRW will underwrite - with guarantees. In addition there was a meeting yesterday evening with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin. Opel is the trust model, with its 25,000 employees in Germany from the possible insolvency of GM and are kept out ready for a new investor.
Four investors are currently willing to enter to at Opel - Fiat, the auto supplier Magna, the U.S. investment fund Ripplewood, which are given little chance, and the Chinese carmaker BAIC who wants to hand his approach.
The decision on who gets the contract, can last for many more. Fiat and Magna had rectified in terms of jobs, said NRW Minister Ruettgers just before the summit meeting in Berlin. "They will have to see if that was not to be better."
The room is still a possible bankruptcy for the failure of all negotiations. The escrow money would be lost, however - the taxpayer would have to pay for it. Meanwhile, the EU Commission on Friday to meet with the Economic and Industry Ministers of the affected EU appealed-a States.
And GM is firmly pressed up a gear. In the future, will the once forged the world's largest automaker to 70 percent belong to the State. So far, the proportion was 50%.
U.S. President Obama would thus in effect a new GM chief. Lashed to the new ownership soon after the anticipated insolvency of Autoschmiede. On Monday an ultimatum from Obama is running out. Until then, the Group has still time to submit a recovery plan.
Key points are an agreement with the unions about a reduction in personnel costs and an agreement with its creditors over a debt waiver. GM is among them, with 27 billion U.S. dollars in debt, and offered in exchange for ten percent of the shares. Few took in the past.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Infidelity? Investigations against Baerbel Dieckmann

Bonn --
Bang for the weekend: The Bonn public prosecutor's investigation, the former Mayor of Bonn Bärbel Dieckmann in connection with the WCCB scandal.
Previously, the prosecution had against two city officials who were members of the Project of the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB), initiated a criminal investigation. Here is Evi Zwiebler, head of the Citizens' Office, and ex-city manager Arno Huebner.
The charges against the investigator Zwiebler and Hubner are no small matter. Opinion of the city: "The prosecution keeps the initial suspicion of infidelity given in very serious cases to the detriment of the Federal City of Bonn for."
At the instigation of the prosecution, the private rooms of Zwiebler and Huebner were searched and seized documents. Stefan and Nils Hiebl Kassebohm, the defenders of the two, but stressed: "Those affected will not be accused of having enriched himself."
Dr. Hiebl to EXPRESS: "Was it a legitimate or illicit business risk? If they had even more need to consider? How they came to ask the Koreans and handed out the equity? These are the questions it. From today's perspective is certainly not everything went perfect. Now we're getting access to the file and find out what the others have testified WCCB manager. "
Huebner and Evi Zwiebler, which is also the Obermöhn Beueler Wiev, had fallen in February this year in the criticism.

Friday, April 9, 2010

One in three apple juice does not taste

thick yoga mat mississippi

Cologne --
More than nine liters of apple juice last year, the German drank on average - so the most popular fruit juice beverage of the FRG is. But how good are German apple juice really? "Stiftung Warentest" has even cast another glance back exactly.
In the September issue of the magazine "test" the auditors took 28 unfiltered and clear apple juices under the microscope. Results: One in three did not taste good.
Apple juice in the test
Next »
Fuel price: 0.99 Euro
Aroma quality: very good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 1.16 Euro
Aroma quality: very good
Quality rating: good
Penny / Paradiso
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: very good
Quality rating: good
Aldi (South) / rio d'oro
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 1.14
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Aldi (North) / Pure Fruit
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 1.29
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: good
Price per Liter: 1.19
Aroma quality: Satisfactory
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Amecke Wild Orchard
Price per Liter: 1.27
Aroma quality: Satisfactory
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Dennree Bio
Price per Liter: 1.19
Aroma quality: Satisfactory
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Price per Liter: 1.34
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Price per Liter: 0.80
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Voelkel Demeter Bio
Price per Liter: 1.79
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: Satisfactory
Werder Fruit
Price per Liter: 1.03
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: satisfactory
Niehoffs Vaihinger
Price per Liter: 1.44
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: satisfactory
Rabenhorst Organic
Price per Liter: 2.80
Aroma quality: sufficient
Quality rating: satisfactory
Lidl / Vitafit
Price per Liter: 0.69
Aroma quality: good
Quality rating: satisfactory
Becker's Best
Price per Liter: 1.19
Aroma quality: poor
Quality rating: poor
Vorlo (pet service supplier)
Price per Liter: 1.44
Aroma quality: poor
Quality rating: poor
A total of eight naturally cloudy juices fell in the "aroma quality by". They got the scores "satisfactory" or "poor". Only eleven brands were given the overall rating of "good" - including a surprising number of supposed "cheap brands" from discounters. Von wegen Saftladen ...
More info on>

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tortuga - The incredible journey of the sea turtle

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Emmy-winner Nick Stringer has traced with his documentary impressive circulation of sea turtles. They are born on the beach in Florida, from where the baby turtles embark on an arduous and dangerous journey - the route has not changed in more than 200 million years and goes over the Gulf Stream from the North Atlantic and to Africa. A trip that lasts 25 years.
?? movie.label.director??
Nick Stringer
?? movie.label.genre??
Great Britain, Austria
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
81?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Tortuga - The incredible journey of the sea turtle
It is one of the most amazing animal migrations: Born on a beach in Florida, a sea turtle circled half the globe to return after 25 years as the starting point ... documentary by Nick Stringer. GB / D / A '09, FSK: ab 6 Start: 01.10.09

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sheikh is now offering 125 million euros for Kaka

Manchester / Milan - madness! In the DUI to world star Kaká Sheik Mansour has completely lost the ground under his feet.
 Whopping 125 million euro transfer fee will be paid by the owner of Manchester City to bring the Brazilians in Milan on the island.
And that's not enough: Even the annual salary is offered gigantomaniac: 47.5 cents per second at 1,712 euros per hour, or 287,671 euros per week! Per year is the crazy 15 million euros. Kaka-The greatest change would allow the transfer in football history.
"The prospect of Kaka to the end of the month goes to our club are very good," said team manager Mark Hughes to Manchester City. However: there is apparently a Kaka Champions League clause. Should City in the premier class this season, do not reach, he could leave the club again.
AC Milan responded to the offer - no surprise - positive. It is an evocative "huge job", let the club about the club's own TV channel AC Milan announced.
So far, Zlatan Ibrahimovic of Inter Milan is at an annual salary of 12 million euro as the most expensive player in the world.
Currently limbo Manchester City on the 15th Rank the Premier League in front of him.
More about Manchester's Sheikh: British want to mislead Cassillas - for 150 million>

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Heidi divulges their sex secrets

Millions of men dream about Heidi Klum (34). Viewed honest: Who would not like to have a look through the bedroom keyhole, this woman take?
Previously, the supermodel from Bergisch Gladbach, with intimate details of her private life even back to some extent. Until now.
Heidi's sex confession - in the show of U.S. Talkmasterin Ellen DeGeneres (49) told them quite freely, as her love life with pop star Seal (44, "Love's Divine"), after two years of marriage continue to sustain holds: with a sex Schedule.
 "We make an appointment just to have sex. Hey, baby, at two clock in the attic! And at six clock in the closet ", chatted with Heidi Sofa drauflos familiar conversation. My Favorite Sex site? "Our floor is really very beautiful."
 Spoke, and smiled. Heidi also host DeGeneres asked for their opinion on Christina Aguilera (26), which has proclaimed with her husband Jordan Bratman (30) a "naked Sunday" for herself and her husband. "A great idea," Heidi was delighted, "we also do - and invite all our friends!"
Was already in her book "Body of Knowledge" Heidi love some tips: "Do you have sex only in the dark?" She asked there. "Why so inhibited?" They also recommended that sex in the shower and erotic e-mails like "I must think about how you look at your underwear ..."
Heidi unabashedly. Forgotten how nice divulged that she has given her breasts (German) name: "John" and "Franz"
Also of interest
Where the Germans have sex

Friday, March 19, 2010

Patrick Helmes suffered cruciate ligament

Leverkusen - until he had a giant fun with Bayer's teammate, Tranquillo Barnetta, Manuel Friedrich and his brother Oliver on the party island of Ibiza.
The next day, back at home with Patrick Helmes struck fate.
A very bitter pill for the Bayer Advanced: The striker has suffered a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament on his right knee! This resulted in the MRI examination on Friday morning.
At midday he was operated on in Cologne, by Dr. Peter Schäferhoff. A major setback for the top scorer (21 goals season) and his club Bayer Leverkusen: The 25-year-old has now come up to one half a year.
"The surgery went well, I have no pain," said helmet after the procedure. And as luck would have it: Helmes injured - apparently without any external assistance - in recreational kick on a meadow with friends in his home victories!
"By the evening my boy was schneebleich in the face. He has just felt that there is something more serious. Patrick is now, of course, totally crushed, "says his mother, Karin, who is audibly shaken. She and Uwe Helmes and friend Sarah visited Patrick Friday at the Cologne Media Park Hospital at the bedside.
The injury is bad news for the new coach Jupp Heynckes: "This is very bitter for Patrick. We will miss him very safe. "Sporting director Rudi Voeller:" This is for Patrick and for all of us a shock from which we have yet to recover again. "
Two questions are pressing to: What about at a time to kick the insurance? The trade association could work on problems. According to consultant Gerd vom Bruch helmet is for such cases privately secured.
Bayer and is once again active in the transfer market? Völler: "We will sit together in peace and then decide. We need to look at what is feasible and makes sense. "

Friday, March 12, 2010

Home game for Humba-Harnik

Dusseldorf --
"That would be a very horny thing, if I could meet again in St. Pauli. The most important thing is that we - win no matter who makes the huts, "says Martin Harnik before" Kracher in the neighborhood. " "I grew up in Hamburg, as coming from a small provincial club. Pauli and HSV were always the enemy for us, we wanted to beat. "
Why, of course, the Düsseldorfer scorers absolutely nothing changes, if takes up the daring climbers Fortuna Friday (18 clock) at the table at a top match of the Fourth World League.
Martin spent his entire youth in the Hamburger East, where the world is still intact, "returns with his new club the first time back to a Bundesliga match in his home.
"I have really organized enough problems, enough tickets," groans Harnik. "My parents are here, my two brothers and their families, and of course all my old friends. I have 14 tickets now. But I hope that I can still grab a few cards from my teammates. The euphoria is from Dusseldorf to me swashed home, which of course all the pressing Fortuna me luck. "
Home game for Humba-Harnik! For the appearance at the Waterkant has made a lot of 22-year-old: "Until now it has gone almost perfectly for us, yes, finally we are promoted. We have a lot of confidence and try to win every game. Very happy to cool at St. Pauli, "said the goalscorer victory against Karlsruher SC.
The special atmosphere at Millerntor has done it to the strikers: "There totally crazy people, which is spread a completely peaceful mood, from very young to old all are here. Even from the Reeperbahn. It does not match the stereotype of the football fan. Paul is the cult as such, comes up only in Germany, Dusseldorf. "
Incidentally, where he experienced his previous career highlight: Begin to Fortuna, who was my best decision! "

Friday, March 5, 2010

Embarrassing - if still go wrong

Dusseldorf - really ought to be far from everything in the bag ...
Fortuna and the obligation of desire striker Dmitri Bulykin - officially still nothing, because still missing a lot of signatures. The Donor Club Anderlecht, by Bulykin. And it must also contract with the board member Hermann Tecklenburg, who wants to pre-finance the storm-bull, in writing. What's going on, why does it take so long?
"The contracts are available to all parties involved," reassured Tecklenburg on Thursday evening before he went to a meeting with fellow board members. "It would be very embarrassing if the commitment of so good a player still fails."
Coach Norbert Meier will always unentspannter during the cliffhanger. "The obligation of a striker who has the quality to us immediately weiterzuhelfen, has absolute priority. This is a very important of Personnel for us, "clarifies the coach.
Even manager Werner Wolf is sitting on tenterhooks, waiting to register the transfer of the Russians as to be able to perfect. Or should that happen around as a treat for the season? Werner archly: "If I would say that now, would not be a surprise anymore." Chairman Peter Frymuth is confident: "The contract for work may not snag Fortuna put more of the cost side suddenly heightened. But it is discussed everything. Is it now in written form, it can go very quickly. "
But even if the transfer is finally eigetütet who are planning for the Department of attack is not necessarily complete. Appropriations for further strengthening of storm-free, Mahir Saglik stands high on the list (EXPRESS reported exclusively). The ex-Wuppertal is currently with Wolfsburg's reserve during training camp at Bad Woerishofen would have to be on loan. Werner: "A really good player. We showed last season when Jovanovic, that we can respond quickly. "
Read also: Melka flies against Hamburg> Rasta man Zoundi Fortuna smitten> Bulle Bulykin: RSC nods from the deal>

Friday, February 26, 2010

Without lies, is nothing in the job

Have you lied today? If they answer this question with "no", you have yourself and your fellow man just served up a big lie! Because we do it every day - sometimes up to 200 times, even and especially in professional life.
We say that's cheating, falsification, cheating, cheating to smear, lie, because it sounds so evil. So the answer is "Fine, thank you" to the question "How are you?" Too loud Allensbach poll, the most common lie on German jobs: 71 percent of Germans did this by bosses or colleagues question to answer with a fib to.
But it is not morally wrong - says Claudia Mayer, a psychologist and author ( "In Praise of lies," List Verlag).
Our daily lives without lies would not work by love to work. Of course, now nobody will feel called upon to herunterzulügen devil come out the blue sky, but sometimes there is a fib to the socially acceptable option to bump his head no and ruin the atmosphere at work. But one must have a sense of when it is important to tell the truth, "says Claudia Mayer.
"Especially if you work in a team, rely on each other's needs, in material respects, announced necessarily the truth. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, lies, however, can be a social lubricant. "In the office, as one must therefore ever lie.
Crystal clear - because when the question of colleagues "You coming to the canteen?" Truthful answers, "No, with you morons, I have not got a goat", roars through the social safety net more quickly than he can say, "Pinocchio". The prudent man claims in such a situation, being on a diet, or says: "I'm sorry, but I have so much build-up and ess 'at work'.
"If the boss asks," How are you? "Want to do it is usually just a conversation with you. How are you really going, he will not listen, "says Claudia Mayer. Therefore, a lie (or swindle) is an answer not so bad, but rather part of a social "game".
The lie - better than its reputation, the Austrian sociologist, Professor Peter Stiegnitz: "lies, without causing harm to someone else, is good for mental health, boosts self-confidence." Brain researchers have discovered that is active in a lie, the brain , the gray cells work faster, "says Claudia Mayer.
The varieties of lying states EXPRESS vertigo lies in the lexicon: You just click the "More Info" box.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Lanxess removing 120 jobs

Leverkusen - Specialty chemicals group Lanxess strike the face of a sharp drop in demand from the chemical industry Bauindustrieund of around 120 jobs.
 Deutschlandseien affected by the downsizing in the functional chemicals division about 80 employees, Lanxess said on Monday in Leverkusenmit. Redundancies should be avoided whenever possible. For 20 employees were already solutions have been found, it said.
   Develops Lanxess Functional Chemicals Division undproduziert with approximately 650 employees worldwide, plastic additives, phosphorus, chemicals and colorants in Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen and Mexican-Lerma.
INGERMANY currently employs approximately 450 employees. With dembereits begun and by mid-2010 reaching restructuring falls away in demGeschäftsbereich of Lanxess almost one in five jobs.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Whatever Works (OV)

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After a long time - four films long - in artistic exile in Europe, Woody Allen has once again shot in New York: The Misanthrope Yelnikoff Boris is in a difficult phase of life. At one time, unfortunately only almost nominated for the Nobel Prize and divorced from his wife he had an unsuccessful suicide attempt behind her. Snatches him from his dull everyday life, the 19 year old runaway melody, which boldly sets up with him.
?? movie.label.director??
Woody Allen
?? movie.label.actors??
Patricia Clarkson, Evan Rachel Wood, Larry David
?? movie.label.genre??
Romantic Comedy
U.S., France
?? movie.label.year??
?? movie.label.runtime??
92?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? movie.label.certification??
        Whatever Works - Love is who can
Super-pessimist Boris is not thrilled when the young runaway Melody billeted with him. But soon they will march a happy couple - to Melody's parents ... comedy by Woody Allen. USA '09, FSK: ab 12 Start: 03.12.09

Friday, February 5, 2010

Rolfe imagines Labbadia

Leverkusen - The new stadium takes on more shape, the team of Bayer currently not.
Ironically, one could almost think in these days: Bruno Labbadia always equal sees two sites: that of the BayArena and the daily practice on the training ground ...
"The stadium is growing. The team here wants to play internationally in the new season, "said Labbadia when looking towards the stadium," it is our aim. "
But his team in the league from lubricates more and is removed from a European Cup place now has six points.
Lange had the impression hindümpelt that Bayer much to himself and is a flattering. This means the end. Finally Tacheles is announced! It must be in the league soon change something if we are not just rely on the trophy ...
Tuesday morning met with the Labbadia Mannschaftsrat (Adler, Rolfes, Kiessling, Barnetta) to the "crisis meeting". And the club managers analyzed the situation with the coach yesterday.
Labbadias now more frequent meetings with the Mannschaftsrat pursuing a great goal: "It must form hierarchies," said Labbadia, who has also encouraged international goalkeeper Rene Adler, continue to represent his views.
"We need types. René must continue to be able to call the thing by its name without being kleingemacht for it. But he also understood what is meant Rudi Voeller's criticism of him. "Does that mean: Adler and Co. will also cut times on the plaster - but this intern
Already been discussed internally and will also have the coach? Bayer CEO Wolfgang wooden houses had declined after the defeat in Berlin or a declaration of loyalty to Labbadia.
Captain Rolfes arises, however, fully behind the coach: "For us a coach discussion makes no sense at all."
He preferred appeals to the teammates, "This season is not over yet!" And Labbadia believes (in particular by sporting director Rudi Voeller) to feel the full backing: "More can not. Rudi Voeller has made a clear statement. "